Our Faith Group, with representatives from Year 1 to Year 6, was established with its main purpose to ensure that the Christian distinctiveness of the school, as a 'Church of England' Primary School, is maintained and enhanced. The Faith Group represent their peers in issues connected to Collective Worship, Church Services, Prayer and the Religious Education Curriculum. Our Faith Group are also Leaders in Worship and Prayer.
As a school we believe that our identity as a Christian community is clear and embedded in all that we do at St John’s. We want our children to know that God is good and that all are made in the image of God and loved by Him. (Genesis 1:27). We ensure that children have a positive and authentic experience of Christianity on which they can build throughout their lives.
Ways that the Faith Group have impacted School life include:
Planning and Leading Collective Worship regularly
Planning and Leading Church Services
Assessing Collective Worship
Planning and developing our school reflection mural around our Core Values (Respect, Honesty, Perseverance and Service) to enhance the experience of worship
Planning our Reflection Garden to develop spirituality by providing a quiet space
Pupils’ voice enriching Collective Worship
Positive role models living out our Christian values across school
Encouraging others to think more deeply through whole school ‘Big Questions’
Being excellent examples of courageous advocates through supporting charitable causes and standing for social justice
Raising awareness of international issues and using knowledge of the UN Rights of the Child to encourage a proactive response
Aims of the Faith Group:
To promote your views through discussion about the issues raised
To help the people who make decisions in the school understand and respect your point of view
To enable you to have experience in being a Leader within your School Community education
To promote the school’s Christian Distinctiveness and to maintain the school ethos
To participate and lead Collective worship and Church Services which reflect the faith of the school
To plan acts of worship making links to our Christian Values and UNCRC
To strengthen and support the local community and our link school in Malawi