Children from the eco-committee discussed the upcoming visit from the Eco-Schools assessment team. They are looking forward to meeting them very soon and will be proud to tell them what St John's, as a whole school, have done just in the last year
We have..
Stopped using plastic cutlery, straws and cups
Packed away the laminator unless absolutely necessary
Stopped nearly all classes using sticky back plastic for their books
Erected an exciting new outdoor learning cabin
Class 6 big plastic project/assembly/letters
Achieved gold active travel plan
Daily mile and colourful playground activity route
Outdoor Reflection garden
Cut a hedgehog friendly area in our fence
Launched a cloth bag design competition
Waste project including clothes
Recycled over a thousand batteries
Interviewed Mrs Hutchinson for the latest plans in our environmentally aware school and she says we have great plans including: not buying any more glitter (because guess what it's made from), digging a pond are to further encourage biodiversity in our school grounds, and most amazingly, applied to the institute of physics for a wind turbine and solar panels to power our outdoor learning cabin.