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當您的兒子或女兒在 St John's 開始學習時,您將自動成為友好而有益的伙伴關係的一部分:家長與員工協會。我們一起關心每個孩子在小學的學業之旅。


我們 PSA 的目標是通過在整個學年組織各種活動來籌集資金。我們籌集的資金總是謹慎而明智地用於造福孩子們。每年,我們都會繼續支持戶外遊樂區的持續發展,並為兒童提供其他項目、資源和體驗。我們有一個出色的委員會和班級代表團隊,他們每半學期開一次會,計劃活動並討論如何使用籌集的資金。  



因此,請留意 PSA 電子郵件、傳單和新海報,如果您能抽出一點時間,請與我們聯繫。 




The PSA aims to support the school through fundraising and fostering a sense of community, both of which make the school a better environment for our children to learn.

This is done by organising various events throughout the school year. Previous events have included Cake Sales, Discos, Christmas Bazaars, Summer Fetes and Quiz Nights. For these events to run smoothly and be successful, we are always looking for new volunteers and new ideas.

Funds raised have been put to good use to improve the outdoor play areas, update classroom furniture, replace library books, create a sensory room and provide off-site excursions, as well as various other resources and experiences for the children.

The PSA Committee is made up of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary; who are supported by a team of class representatives. We meet every term to plan events and discuss how to spend the money raised; all are welcome to attend and contribute to the meetings and the roles are regularly rotated.

Please join us and have your say on how we make more of the school community, enrich our children’s school experience and meet others.

Sign up to communications

We use an app called Classlist to communicate upcoming PSA events, sell tickets and find volunteers. It is GDPR compliant, private and secure. You can chat with other parents, ask questions and share advice, buy or sell second-hand items in the marketplace, and organise parties and playdates. To join please reach out to your class rep.




Help us to help others via our fundraising partner @giveasyoulive. You can now make a single or a monthly donation to us online. 

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