我們鼓勵家長/照顧者來學校談論他們可能有的任何疑慮。 學校實行開門政策,工作人員可以在放學前和放學後與家長/照顧者見面,其他時間也可以預約。
這些程序條款中的“投訴”是對學校有合法利益但不是學校僱用的一個或多個人的不滿表達。 這些程序不處理對教職員工的教學標准或對學校聘用的教職員工或非教職員工的行為、作為或不作為的投訴。
投訴程序的副本保存在學校辦公室,可供家長使用。 當孩子入學時,所有家長/看護人都會收到一份程序摘要。
學校旨在讓家長/照顧者在提出投訴時知情,並遵守此程序中規定的時間表。 投訴將得到考慮並儘可能快速有效地解決。
A ‘complaint’ within the terms of these procedures is an expression of dissatisfaction by a person or persons with a legitimate interest in the school, but not employed by the school. These procedures do not deal with complaints about the standard of teaching of members of the teaching staff or about the conduct, actions or omissions of members of the teaching or non-teaching staff employed at the school.
A copy of the Complaints Procedure is held in the school office and is available for parents. A summary of the procedure is given to all parents/carers when their child joins the school.
The school aims to keep parents/carers informed when they have made a complaint, and adheres to the timescales stated in this procedure. Complaints will be considered and resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible.